Determination of the real non-active powers and non-active currents at EAF

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The aim of this paper is to show why the real furnace powers cannot be generally determined applying the usual way of voltage measurement at the furnace busbar. This voltage measurement leads to a non-optimal non-active power compensation. A method is presented how to determine the real powers and non-active currents of EAF.
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Autoren Dirk Riedinger
Erscheinungsdatum 01.02.2016
Format PDF
Zeitschrift heat processing - Ausgabe 02 2016
Verlag Vulkan-Verlag GmbH
Sprache English
Titel Determination of the real non-active powers and non-active currents at EAF
Beschreibung The aim of this paper is to show why the real furnace powers cannot be generally determined applying the usual way of voltage measurement at the furnace busbar. This voltage measurement leads to a non-optimal non-active power compensation. A method is presented how to determine the real powers and non-active currents of EAF.
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Sie bewerten:Determination of the real non-active powers and non-active currents at EAF
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