Using waste heat for electricity generation and cooling

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Industrial furnaces and thermal processing plants have a high waste heat potential which has not attracted much interest for covering process or building-related cooling loads, so far. This paper evaluates different plant concepts with regard to their energetic efficiency and economic feasibility, considering present case studies. ORC processes, absorption and compression cooling machines as well as the combination of electricity generation and cooling were taken into account.
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Autoren Eckehard Specht / Jörg Sauerhering / Jürgen Schmidt
Erscheinungsdatum 01.03.2015
Format PDF
Zeitschrift heat processing - Ausgabe 03 2015
Verlag Vulkan-Verlag GmbH
Sprache English
Titel Using waste heat for electricity generation and cooling
Beschreibung Industrial furnaces and thermal processing plants have a high waste heat potential which has not attracted much interest for covering process or building-related cooling loads, so far. This paper evaluates different plant concepts with regard to their energetic efficiency and economic feasibility, considering present case studies. ORC processes, absorption and compression cooling machines as well as the combination of electricity generation and cooling were taken into account.
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