The LNG market till 2030

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A group of students from the University of Applied Sciences at Landshut are carrying out with a new project regarding the future market of LNG. The study is part of the interdisciplinary work of undergraduates, seniors, postgraduates and professors from the faculties of Electrical and Industrial Engineering as well as Mechanical Engineering and is supervised by Prof. Dr. Stefan-Alexander Arlt and Prof. Dr. Josef Hofmann. The study will research the LNG market from various different perspectives and is being written by 30 different participants from different countries. This allows the students an effective use of resources in their own various languages – carrying various cultures and also having distinctive approaches. The study is a cross-linked approach of LNG including the topics technical basics, legislation, markets, gas trading in Germany, technology, costs, perspectives, strategic trends, prospects and risks. The results will be published in a market study in Germany in spring 2017.
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Autoren Yeşim Göktepe / Andreas Johann Ebner / Stefan-Alexander Arlt
Erscheinungsdatum 01.03.2016
Format PDF
Zeitschrift gas for energy - Ausgabe 03 2016
Verlag DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH
Sprache English
Titel The LNG market till 2030
Beschreibung A group of students from the University of Applied Sciences at Landshut are carrying out with a new project regarding the future market of LNG. The study is part of the interdisciplinary work of undergraduates, seniors, postgraduates and professors from the faculties of Electrical and Industrial Engineering as well as Mechanical Engineering and is supervised by Prof. Dr. Stefan-Alexander Arlt and Prof. Dr. Josef Hofmann. The study will research the LNG market from various different perspectives and is being written by 30 different participants from different countries. This allows the students an effective use of resources in their own various languages – carrying various cultures and also having distinctive approaches. The study is a cross-linked approach of LNG including the topics technical basics, legislation, markets, gas trading in Germany, technology, costs, perspectives, strategic trends, prospects and risks. The results will be published in a market study in Germany in spring 2017.
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