Requirements for safe and reliable CO2 transportation pipeline

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Carbon capture and storage (CCS) can be a promising contribution for reducing the amount of anthropogenic CO2 released to the atmosphere and thus can help in containing the greenhouse effect. This work describes a joint industry project which has the aim of investigating several aspects of the pipeline transportation issue for CCS. The projected research on the likely composition and constitution of the CO2, its effect on corrosion and its behaviour upon release from the pipeline will contribute to the definition of standards and guidelines for designing and operating CO2 pipeline networks. The project is initiated by a consortium of companies encompassing an electricity supplier, two energy providers, an oil and gas company and several pipe manufactures all contributing to other aspects of transporting CO2.
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Autoren Ch. Bosch/S. Jäger
Erscheinungsdatum 30.09.2010
Format PDF
Zeitschrift 3R - Special 2 2010
Verlag Vulkan-Verlag GmbH
Sprache Deutsch
Titel Requirements for safe and reliable CO2 transportation pipeline
Beschreibung Carbon capture and storage (CCS) can be a promising contribution for reducing the amount of anthropogenic CO2 released to the atmosphere and thus can help in containing the greenhouse effect. This work describes a joint industry project which has the aim of investigating several aspects of the pipeline transportation issue for CCS. The projected research on the likely composition and constitution of the CO2, its effect on corrosion and its behaviour upon release from the pipeline will contribute to the definition of standards and guidelines for designing and operating CO2 pipeline networks. The project is initiated by a consortium of companies encompassing an electricity supplier, two energy providers, an oil and gas company and several pipe manufactures all contributing to other aspects of transporting CO2.
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