High velocity burners with finned recuperator for highest efficiency

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In the field of process heat utilization, various measures are available for increasing energy efficiency. According to the technological process, a large part of the process heat is generated as waste heat. It is a very effective way of recycling this waste heat directly to the process, e. g. by means of intensive combustion air preheating at industrial burners. The long proven recuperator burners are limited in energy efficiency due to the restriction of the recuperator surface. The use of metal foam in connection with the robust finned tube design generates higher efficiencies which achieve 10–15 % energy savings compared to conventional finned tube recuperator burners.
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Autoren Roland Rakette / Dirk Mäder / Birgit Neumann
Erscheinungsdatum 01.02.2017
Format PDF
Zeitschrift heat processing - Ausgabe 02 2017
Verlag Vulkan-Verlag GmbH
Sprache English
Seitenzahl 4
Titel High velocity burners with finned recuperator for highest efficiency
Beschreibung In the field of process heat utilization, various measures are available for increasing energy efficiency. According to the technological process, a large part of the process heat is generated as waste heat. It is a very effective way of recycling this waste heat directly to the process, e. g. by means of intensive combustion air preheating at industrial burners. The long proven recuperator burners are limited in energy efficiency due to the restriction of the recuperator surface. The use of metal foam in connection with the robust finned tube design generates higher efficiencies which achieve 10–15 % energy savings compared to conventional finned tube recuperator burners.
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