Synthesis- and low-calorific gases in the field of process industry

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The cost pressure in the fuel supply, regulations by law for environmental protection and technical equipment for furnaces as well as technological progress in power- and combustion engineering lead to a steady realignment of the industrial sector. The efficient use of conventional fuels e.g. hard coal, blast furnace gas or other lean gases is challenged by developing new processes and optimizing existing ones. This report gives a short impression of proven and new burner systems, the supply of fuels and focuses the environmentally friendly use of the resources mentioned before.
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Autoren Julia Aretz / Hendrik Rahms
Erscheinungsdatum 01.02.2015
Format PDF
Zeitschrift heat processing - Ausgabe 02 2015
Verlag Vulkan-Verlag GmbH
Sprache English
Titel Synthesis- and low-calorific gases in the field of process industry
Beschreibung The cost pressure in the fuel supply, regulations by law for environmental protection and technical equipment for furnaces as well as technological progress in power- and combustion engineering lead to a steady realignment of the industrial sector. The efficient use of conventional fuels e.g. hard coal, blast furnace gas or other lean gases is challenged by developing new processes and optimizing existing ones. This report gives a short impression of proven and new burner systems, the supply of fuels and focuses the environmentally friendly use of the resources mentioned before.
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