High temperature brazing in single chamber vacuum furnaces

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Compared to conventional soldering techniques the batch type vacuum brazing has established for various products. Also for the large-scale production of copper brazed plate heat exchangers the vacuum process is used. The compacted load assembly has highest demands on the furnace technology to achieve maximum reproducibility and efficiency.
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Autoren Björn Eric Zieger
Erscheinungsdatum 01.03.2016
Format PDF
Zeitschrift heat processing - Ausgabe 03 2016
Verlag Vulkan-Verlag GmbH
Sprache English
Titel High temperature brazing in single chamber vacuum furnaces
Beschreibung Compared to conventional soldering techniques the batch type vacuum brazing has established for various products. Also for the large-scale production of copper brazed plate heat exchangers the vacuum process is used. The compacted load assembly has highest demands on the furnace technology to achieve maximum reproducibility and efficiency.
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