Revamping of reheating furnaces

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A considerable number of reheating furnaces erected in the last decades of the past century are still in operation today. Such furnaces can’t often continue yielding acceptable throughput, product quality, fuel consumption, and pollutant emissions. According to the market demand comes the time to take a decision about the future of a furnace: continue squeezing the plant, stop or dismantle it, maybe building a new one or most likely restructuring. The answer is the result of an overall technical and economic analysis where the market demand is fulfilled only by a profitable and sustainable production.
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Autoren Massimiliano Fantuzzi
Erscheinungsdatum 01.04.2015
Format PDF
Zeitschrift heat processing - Ausgabe 04 2015
Verlag Vulkan-Verlag GmbH
Sprache English
Titel Revamping of reheating furnaces
Beschreibung A considerable number of reheating furnaces erected in the last decades of the past century are still in operation today. Such furnaces can’t often continue yielding acceptable throughput, product quality, fuel consumption, and pollutant emissions. According to the market demand comes the time to take a decision about the future of a furnace: continue squeezing the plant, stop or dismantle it, maybe building a new one or most likely restructuring. The answer is the result of an overall technical and economic analysis where the market demand is fulfilled only by a profitable and sustainable production.
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