Digitalization of metallurgical process plants in the future

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Raw materials processing plants often contain structures that have considerable potential for improvement in terms of the way they operate. Possibilities of digitalization are not fully utilized. A discussion on the digital process plant of the future shows significant untapped potential in improving the operation of raw materials processing plants. Based on this assessment, an approach towards a stepwise, modular digitalization has been derived, both for existing as well as for new plants. Here we analyze the potential benefits of such digitalization.
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Autoren Steffen Haus / Christian Binder / Tobias Stefan
Erscheinungsdatum 01.03.2016
Format PDF
Zeitschrift heat processing - Ausgabe 03 2016
Verlag Vulkan-Verlag GmbH
Sprache English
Titel Digitalization of metallurgical process plants in the future
Beschreibung Raw materials processing plants often contain structures that have considerable potential for improvement in terms of the way they operate. Possibilities of digitalization are not fully utilized. A discussion on the digital process plant of the future shows significant untapped potential in improving the operation of raw materials processing plants. Based on this assessment, an approach towards a stepwise, modular digitalization has been derived, both for existing as well as for new plants. Here we analyze the potential benefits of such digitalization.
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