Vacuum furnace hot zone upgrade and improvement

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The Schunk Carbon Technology division is the first major supplier of materials for the vacuum heat treat industry to offer complete overhaul and up-grade of vacuum furnace hot zones. Using existing, and developing new CC profiles and products to protect hot zones and increase lifespan for any make or model of vacuum furnace, the company uses years of experience in supplying materials to improve the performance of hot zones.
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Autoren Jez Higham
Erscheinungsdatum 01.02.2015
Format PDF
Zeitschrift heat processing - Ausgabe 02 2015
Verlag Vulkan-Verlag GmbH
Sprache English
Titel Vacuum furnace hot zone upgrade and improvement
Beschreibung The Schunk Carbon Technology division is the first major supplier of materials for the vacuum heat treat industry to offer complete overhaul and up-grade of vacuum furnace hot zones. Using existing, and developing new CC profiles and products to protect hot zones and increase lifespan for any make or model of vacuum furnace, the company uses years of experience in supplying materials to improve the performance of hot zones.
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