The impact of the Internet of Things on industrial ovens and furnaces

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The industrial furnace of tomorrow is a smarter machine – safer, better connected, more flexible, and more efficient – to quickly respond to new demands. Two trends that are creating a lot of buzz today are about to unleash a profound change through-out global industry: Industrie 4.0, the German based approach for smart manufacturing, and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) with a focus on connected devices and analytics. In this report, however, the focus is on how Industrial ovens and furnaces will be impacted.
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Authors Thomas Rücker / Peter Sherwin
Publishing Date 1 Feb 2016
Format PDF
Zeitschrift heat processing - Ausgabe 02 2016
Publisher Vulkan-Verlag GmbH
Language English
Title The impact of the Internet of Things on industrial ovens and furnaces
Description The industrial furnace of tomorrow is a smarter machine – safer, better connected, more flexible, and more efficient – to quickly respond to new demands. Two trends that are creating a lot of buzz today are about to unleash a profound change through-out global industry: Industrie 4.0, the German based approach for smart manufacturing, and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) with a focus on connected devices and analytics. In this report, however, the focus is on how Industrial ovens and furnaces will be impacted.
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